8189401262 Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines

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         Aren’t we can travel through Black Hole?
 Yeah I know what I have written  it is just a imagination  but for a moment can you imagine that we can travel through black hole or not.  Now in this article I am going to tell you that we can travel through it or not but listen it is just an imagination so let get started.
I think you know that two years ago the space agency of America or you can say NASA’s Fermi traces source of Cosmic Neutrino to monster black hole. And I think that you will be surprise to know that for the first time ever, scientists using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have found the source of a high-energy neutrino from outside our galaxy. This neutrino traveled 3.7 billion years at almost the speed of light before being detected on Earth. This is farther than any other neutrino whose origin scientists can identify. 
So, in the above paragraph the line” neutrino traveled 3.7 billion years at almost the speed of light before being detected on Earth “shows that we can also travel through the speed of light  but now I want to tell you how can we travel did you know what is “neutrino” it means that a subatomic particle with a mass close to zero and half integral spin ,which rarely reacts with normal matter so think if we can make a spacecraft with same functions of neutrino and it travels with the speed of light then we can travel through the black hole which is possible in future but till now it is just an imagination.


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